Support Indicator

The Training Package highlights specific Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) levels of LL&N, participants must have sufficient LL&N skills to be able to read workplace safety signs, safe operating policy and procedures.

Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LL&N):

The Training Package highlights specific Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) levels of LL&N, participants must have sufficient LL&N skills to be able to read workplace safety signs, safe operating policy and procedures.

Where LL&N is determined to be less than the standard requirement, participants and (where appropriate) employers are notified for the LL&N need to be addressed prior to continuation of the training and assessment program.

A pre course questionnaire is available to all participants prior to commencement of course.

This precourse questionnaire will be used to determine if the participant/s have any type of learning difficulties that prevent the participant to meet the minimum level of LL&N requirement.

LL&N concerns are to be identified and notified prior to formal course enrolment/commencement.

Once the LLN assessment outcome is finalised, the student receives feedback informing them if LLN support is required.

Where a student’s LLN levels are identified as being lower than the specified requirements for the course, TRAINING WORX (AUST) PTY LTD will:

  • provide advice and information about alternative program choices or
  • offer the student LLN assistance (refer below for examples of assistance offered). Ultimately, it is the choice of participants as to whether or not they proceed with the enrolment.
  • Where support needs go beyond what can be met with reasonable adjustment during the training and assessment process, and additional support is required, TRAINING WORX (AUST) PTY LTD directs participants to a literacy specialist.
  • A Commonwealth Government support service is:  The Reading-Writing Hotline 1300 655 506
  • Provision is made for oral assessment in place of written assessments, however, the ability to be able to demonstrate sufficient LL&N to undertake the above-specified requirements must still be able to be adequately demonstrated. All programs are tailored to the individual needs of the particular client group and are dependent on:

Information gained from the initial onsite meetings with the management to determine:

  • LL&N levels of the candidates
  • Training needs analysis if required
  • Current work procedures and job requirements
  • Resources and equipment available
  • Access to the equipment available
  • Any specific site requirement that needs to be added to the course content
  • Discussions about the assessment processes and confirmation that nothing else needs to be added to suit site requirements
  • Industry consultation documentation