Non-Accredited Training Courses

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Non-formal learning

Non-formal learning (adult learning) refers to structured, taught learning, but differs from formal learning in that it does not lead to a qualification within the AQF. It includes non-accredited workplace training, that is, training that does not lead to a recognised qualification.

Some examples of types of non-formal courses include:

  • Adult education courses (eg. introduction to  marketing, computing)
  • Hobby and recreation courses (eg. ceramics, jewellery making, dancing)
  • Personal enrichment courses (eg. personal development, instruction skills, public speaking)
  • Work-related courses (eg. manager development, job search training, induction courses)
  • First aid courses
  • Bridging courses
  • Individual statements of attainment

Formal learning 

Refer to learning which is structured, taught learning in institutions and organisations and leads to a recognised qualification issued by a relevant body, in recognition that a person has achieved learning outcomes or competencies relevant to identified individual, professional, industry or community needs. A learning activity is formal if it leads to a learning achievement that is possible to position within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and includes workplace training if such training results in a qualification.


  • The RTO may offer a number of non-accredited programs, including educational or training activities, seminars, courses and short programs.
  • Non-accredited programs will not attract credit towards awards but may provide an increase in skills, knowledge and application in the work or home environment
  • Participants in non-accredited programs will not receive an award as recognition of completion.
  • The administration of non-accredited programs is carried out by the RTO offering the program.
  • The RTO will issue a statement of attendance/completion to participants on completion of the non-accredited program.
  • Statements of completion/attendance will refer only to attendance unless some form of assessment is involved in the program.
  • The names of non-accredited programs must not be the same as any formally approved titles of RTO awards.
  • Non-accredited programs and participants are not recorded on the client/candidate data system.

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